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  • 5 days per week 

  • Gym equipment + bands needed  

  • Focus: Building Glutes 

  • Level: Moderate


I created BxB because I thought great glute programs were missing on the market! Many women wants to train full body, but with more focus on glutes than let's say, biceps. I am one of these women myself! 

BxB will have you train lower body 3 days a week and the other two days are split on upper body and fun up tempo movements! 


There will never be a dull moment with this plan! 

  • 5 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed 

  • Focus: Building Glutes 

  • Level: Expert


BxB2 is very much the same as BxB1, only more developed and a bit tougher - a great follow up once you finished BxB if you like focusing more on lower body than upper body. 

It's still 5 days a week, and there really is no need to train mora than 5 days a week to see and feel great results! 


Just as with BxB, BxB2 incorporates upper body as well, only not as much as lower!

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  • 5 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed 

  • Focus: Shred Fat While Maintaining Muscle

  • Level: Advanced


Welcome to Your ultimate fat shredding plan! My total shred plan will give you all the tools you need to make a complete transformation. Over the next 10 weeks we'll be in the gym four days per week using a mix of weight lifting and HIIT style training. 


This cardio heavy plan introduces some fun and dynamic movements to keep things interesting and help you burn fat effectively, while also maintaining your muscle. I designed this plan for all skill levels! No matter what experience you have in the gym, this plan will produce the results you need. It's never too late or too early to make a positive change in your life. Why not now? Let's go!

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  • 4-5 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed 

  • Focus: Shred Fat While Maintaining Muscle

  • Level: Advanced


Welcome to Total Shred 2. This is the next level of Total Shred, so be sure to check out Total Shred 1 first!


Over the next 12 weeks, we are going to be working together to shred fat, build muscle, tone and tighten both your upper and lower body, with extra attention to our legs and booty. We will start with 4 workouts per week and increase to 5 workouts after week 4. Our workout sessions will range from 25min to 60min depending on which days you have cardio.


Over the next three months, I will be here to guide you, motivate you, and show you the ropes as you get comfortable with different moves and equipment. By the end of our time together, you won't believe how far you will have come. Keep your goals clear and in the front of your mind, and remember that each day is one more step towards achieving them. I am here to support you from the get-go, but true change comes from within YOU! So get ready to shred, and shed your old skin to emerge a new, stronger, better more beautiful you!

  • 3 Days Per Week (Glutes only!)

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed

  • Focus: Building Glutes 

  • Level: Intermediate To Advanced


Welcome to Brilliant Booty Build! As the name might give away, this plan focuses solidly on glutes! Every other week you will perform 2 to 3 workouts focusing on glutes. You will be targeting your whole lower body but the main focus will be booty! With my plans you have the option to add your own workouts using my workout library with over 400 exercises! With this option you can create your own upper body/cardio/HIIT exercises to add to this plan if you want to! (No judgment if you only want to focus on your behind, though). *blink*


Prepare for a lot of muscle soreness, peachy bums and a whole lot of fun these next 10 weeks!

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  • 5 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed 

  • Focus: Lean Gains, Limited Cardio

  • Level: Intermediate


Strong & Lean was my first plan ever created as an online personal trainer and it quickly grew to be one of the most used and loved!


After years of training clients, it is still one of the most used plan!


With lot’s of requests to bring the plan into athli app, I decided to give it a chance! Don't be fooled by it being my first plan, it is one of the toughest plans available. S&L is heavily glute, legs and ab focused and very limited cardio. 

It's a great plan for those who want to focus mainly on lower body while chasing lean gains but are no fan of cardio.

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  • 5 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed 

  • Focus: Lean Gains, Limites Cardio

  • Level: Intermediate


Strong & Lean 2 is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to put on muscle and build a strong, lean body. Before you start this program I recommend checking out my first Strong & Lean plan, if you haven't already. I was blown away by its thousands of transformation and success stories, so naturally I wanted to create Strong & Lean 2!


Strong & Lean 2 adds in cardio, chest exercises, and a few new favorites I know you're going to love. For the next twelve weeks we'll work out in the gym five days per week. With a combo of functional training and HIIT-based workouts, you'll see amazing results in no time!

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  • 4 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed 

  • Focus: Lean Gains 

  • Level: Intermediate


Let me introduce to you, Smart Sculpt! This plan is designed to have you spend less time in the gym, yet get those great results you’re wishing for! For 4 days per week I will have you do basic lifts, fun little challenging exercises and a little bit of LISS (low intense cardio) to burn fat while maintaining and/or building muscles! 


Forget about 2h long gym sessions 7 days per week, this is something else! This is Smart Sculpt! 
So what are you waiting for, babe? Let’s do it! 

Remember, if you find an exercise with equipment you do not have access to in your gym, check the option to switch for the modification one!


  • 5 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed

  • Focus: Shred Fat While Maintaining Muscle 

  • Level: Advanced


Ultimate Shred is a cardio heavy workout plan created for those of you who wants to burn fat while maintaining your muscle mass.


Shredding fat requires a nutrition plan specifically created for you, but don’t worry! With an Athli subscription you will get a 100% customized meal plan. 


Are you ready?! I sure am!

  • 3 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed

  • Focus: Full Body 

  • Level: Intermediate


Body Contour is my first ever full body split plan! Let’s be honest, not all of us have the possibility to spend hours at the gym every single day BUT all of us has the right lo look and feel our best!


Not only that, but the traditional ”bro-split” does not work unless you’re a professional body builder that work out at least once per day – otherwise, you won’t be able to hit each muscle group a minimum of two times per week, which studies have shown you should do to get the best possible progress!


This plan will help you with just that! Three 1-1.5 hour sessions at the gym – effective, time efficient. LET’S GO!

  • 3 Days Per Week 

  • Basic Gym Equipment Needed

  • Focus: Lean Gains 

  • Level: Intermediate


Busy Bee 55 is a workout plan created for all those busy babes out there! Maybe you only have time to spend 3 days in the gym but still want to see and feel great results, then Busy Bee is totally your plan! Each workout is approx. 55 minutes long and you will work out 3 days per week for the next 10 weeks! 


With this plan you will target your whole body and there’s options to do outdoor walks on your rest days if you have time! You also have the option to remove, replace or add more exercises or sets to your workouts incase you feel like a badass for a day or two (or lifetime!). 


With all machine-based exercises you will find modifications/options to switch. So if you have a home gym with barbells, dumbbells and some basic equipment – you might as well rock this plan from home to save even more time!

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  • 4 Days Per Week 

  • Gym equipment + bands needed

  • Focus: Full body (extra glutes & abs)

  • Level: All Fitness Levels


Say goodbye to the summer snooze that has kept you in a long, warm, and delightful vacation haze. This plan is designed to seamlessly transition you back into your regular routine, without overwhelming you.


During the first week, we will focus on low-intensity workouts and gradually ramp up the intensity in the following weeks. By the time you reach week six, the final week, you'll feel strong and fully prepared to embrace your normal routine again.


Together, let's make a powerful comeback.

As a subscriber of athli app, you will get access to all gym & home plans and can switch between plans whenever you feel like! Whenever a new plan is added to the app, you will automatically get access to it! No extra or hidden fees.


Purchase one plan at a time for a single fee, no recurring payments!

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